• We aim to all kinds of secondhand bikes. Naturally, this is absolutely impossible. But that will never stop us from trying. We want everybody to ride refurbished, used and second hand bikes which requires that we have something that fits. So please, let us know if you cannot find what you are looking for.

  • Accessories

    We have baskets, racks, lights, locks and all kinds of accessories for bikes. What fits a given bike is different but we have enough options to cover most bikes and most needs. Ask us in the store for guidance and we will help you.

  • Warranty

    Of course we offer warranty.

    Our survival is dependent on our reputation which in turn is dependent on you being both satisfied and all complaints treated well. Ask us for details if you wish to know more, as this space is limited.

  • Buyback programme

    Unless excessive damages due to vandalism or mistreatment is present, you can expect the following to be the case.

    Within 7 months of purchase-date we will buy back the bike for 50% of the price you paid for it in Buddha Bikes.

  • Buying a bike

    It is VERY important to us that you end up buying the RIGHT bike. We prefer that you test-ride the bike, that we adjust it properly to you and that you compare with a few other models. Just to make sure it is right.

    Therefore, no online sales.